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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas 2

The Boy In Striped Pyjamas was set in the past. Why should you care about the issues raised in the book? Should we continue to study this book in Grade 7? 

People of our time should care about this book as it is a way to understand what things people can do to each other and it can set that time as stage in history as a time of digrace and humiliation to the human race. If people do not learn about history there is no way for us to learn from mistakes we made in World War one and two. People of the new age have to learn about how people lived and what types of things people were thinking about at that time. They thought of power, honor and pride for their country. Germany's main hatred of the Treaty of Versailles was that they were to take full responsibility of starting the first world war, they lost 33$ billion dollars, land and most important honor. 

This book covers a subject that needs to be read every year through seventh grade people learn about the holocaust. This book tells you what happens in the holocaust but through a perspective of a nine year old boy. The view of this boy changes your thought of what people were like when the war happened. It shows how much discrimination and hatred was put towards the Jews even though they are the same people but just believe in different things. The friendship between a German and a Jew is no different from a German and a German. Hitler encouraged people to hate jews and gave them reasons why they should hate them when the citizen were most vulnerable, from there it was passed down to their children. They brought their children up to hate Jews and what better are they suppose to know.

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