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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The end is near

In these paragraphs I am going to answer four questions and then tell by viewers why I said yes or no to the questions. Here are the questions that my teacher asked us to reflect on.

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
The piece of work that I am most proud of is my second to last lit circle that was about the book tripods. The reason I chose this certain lit circle is because I think that this one shows how effort I can put into work. I also chose this one because I thought that the lit circle was good quality writing but also a good amount. I also think this tells you a lot about the book and characters and how they think. This also shows that I have improved on my weakest part of doing the lit circles which making questions. Another thing that I improved on was writing enough so that there is a lot of detail. I would also say that this part of the book was the most interesting because I was able to write a lot about it. I also connected well because a lot of the things he went through in the chapter I have gone through.
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
I also think that one certain thing that was hard this year was that in humanities you had to be organized and that is one thing that I am not. I also think that I had to learn not to argue with people about things and instead just take one for the team. I also think that there had to be more focusing and less joking around in middle school. Another thing that was hard was transferring from fifth grade to sixth grade. The reason it was hard to transfer was because we had written a lot more in a paragraph compared to fifth grade. We also had to include a lot more structure and also had to make it organized so that it flows and not making it hard to understand.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

The thing that I have improved on the mostly is thinking of I dears to write for and it was not only thinking of I dears it is not always just think of I dears it has to be good I dears. I also have improved in extending my paragraphs because that was a hard thing to do when I first came into sixth grade. I also had a problem with the computers because they are a different type of computers than I had in my old school. I have grown this year in be coming more easy going with people than I was in my last school. I also have improved in becoming more open to talking in class and also becoming more involved in class and giving more effort. I think that I have also improved in my story making.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student

I chose satisfactory because I am not a model or a big trouble maker I am just in the middle even though I am not always the best student. I still talk sometimes when he is talking but not much and I get most of my work done now a days and do work in class. I think that I am not rude to the teacher I respect the teacher and I do what he has asked me to do and also pay attention in class. I also think that I am nice to my friends and people in my class but if they are mean to me I am not very nice to them and I need to work on that.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to
Be more organized
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to

To give in the best work I can

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

That I am quite loud in class that i joke around in class and that I like sports but not talking about them.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it?

My favorite activity lesson in humanities this year was the treasure hunt because I like treasure hunts and it was also fun because is was something different for a change. I like the treasure hunt because I also had fun learning how to get around this school and I also learned how get along with certain people and I also have to become more open minded because people have different ways of doing things than me.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?

I wish we could have spent more time on making the e mobile because they were a lot of fun and we were able to make stuff with our hands. Another reason I liked making the e mobile was because we got learn interesting things about different Empires and what made what they are. I also think that we had to think of a design and that way we did not have follow instructions of measurements because it is not easy to follow measurements. The reason that I chose this specific project was because I had fun doing a project with a boy instead of a girl. I personally think that boys are more easy going than girls and it was easier to work with a boy than a girl.

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

I think that should be ready for being organized and also being ready to write long paragraphs and also be ready to have problems with locks and locker combinations Forgetting P.E clothes.

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