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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lit circle post #5

Without a free mind courage does not mean anything because a person who's mind is being controlled has no concept of what courage even means.When a person does not know the real meaning of courage there is no point of having courage. Knights fight because they want to stand out from everyone for having courage, that is being able to face danger or difficulty with no fear at all. They think it is courageous because that is what has happen told by the tripods because the caps. But the tripods have told them to do certain things which makes people feel courageous and at the same the tripods tell them to do it. I would also say that the man who killed the bear is a man that has no doubt he is courageous to the village but that is not the full it does not mean much if it is not your personality. I would bet that he is scared of tripods then he would not be courageous.

To be called courageous you need to have certain things you need to be able to set challenges for yourself so that you could be come known as a courageous person. For example Shrek the prince had to show he was courageous by going to slay the dragon and get the princes. They know what courage is but to us it does not mean anything because they have a mind that is controlled. So in my point of view I think that they are just people that are in a cartoon because they think that they are real. They have had that information kept from them so it is not mean anything. I have noticed all problems they have or unfair things that I noticed goes back to caps they are the reason why this life ids not worth it if your capped.

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