Some people cannot afford to by book every year in high school. The alternate source is going to the public library and checkout a book. Every town, city and village should have a public library. It does not matter if there is a school there because there are grown up people that study to see how it can help them with their job or how to get a job. Some libraries have computers which some people cannot afford. The internet is a main way for people to stay connected to what is happening in the world.
Libraries have a job of being a support to the schools education.
If someone wanted a book and the school did not have a library. The library should have the books that you need to help in school. If they take away the option of borrowing books from a public library students knowledge will decrease in everything especially language, if they have books students can stay updated with what is going on in the world. They also can connect and learn about what job there are in the world, and what they need to accomplish to get there.
Library where imaginations run wild.
In a library you have the ability to imagine and see what you could never imagine. It gives people a boost imagination, there are so many different imaginary books that can help you. That are examples how you could create something out of your imagination. A lot of writers make there living by there imagination. Those I dears can provoke others imagination and help them make there lives as great as his.